Lease Management Software Programs


Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Darin Garman, CCIM - Top 3 Commercial Real Estate Investors Time Management Strategies

One of the questions I get asked a lot from clients is how do I manage multiple real estate deals projects all at once? "How to Succeed in Commercial Real Estate?" Here are some specific strategies for you to consider:

a) Who to spend time with?

You need to consider spending BUSINESS TIME on only those who are going to contribute to your bottom line and goal achievement. All else needs to get put into the "we'll get back to you" pile. It is easy to get locked up with people that do nothing but take up your time. Don't do it.
I constantly have people wanting to meet with me, talk with me, etc. that don't contribute to the achievement of my goals they get put on the bottom of the pile and sometimes I never get back to them.

b) Keeping away from time vampires.

Time vampires are those that call you, come into your office, and tell you the "whole story" constantly. You need to politely tell these people "adios". You ever notice that you have those days where you have a lot of activity and by the end of the day you really have not gotten anything done? Time vampires are the main reason why.

c) Having a clear objective in the first place.

What are your goals, your objectives?? Where do you want to end up? How do you plan on getting there? Without a plan you will be spinning your wheels and the cash flow and value of your will suffer because of it.

So, there you go. We did not reinvent anything today, but it is surprising how the use of your time is tied to your income and the results you want.

From Darin Garman, CCIM:

If you have not taken advantage of my special limited time 2 month complimentary "test drive" of the Commercial Investment Property Owners Association, here is another opportunity to see what you have been missing...

How to Succeed in Commercial Real Estate

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